Multiscale Parameter Regionalization

About MPR

MPR uses transfer functions to translate high-resolution predictors to model parameters throughout a diverse range of resolutions from few to hundreds of kilometres. It consists of two steps (Fig.~1):

  1. the use of transfer functions to translate high-resolution predictors into high-resolution model parameters
  2. upscaling of high-resolution model parameters to the scale at which the model is applied
Application of MPR to the Ohio river basin
Application of the MPR framework in the Ohio basin

The MPR stand-alone software package

Flowchart of MPR configuration

MPR has been developed for the mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM, Samaniego et al. 2010, Kumar et al. 2013) and has been expanded to other models like PCR-GLOBWB (Samaniego et al., 2017). It is now available as a modular, stand-alone software. It allows to make use of high-resolution data sets for parameter estimation. Estimated parameter fields are written in a netCDF file that can be used in any model.

MPR is controlled with a single configuration file. All the predictors (e.g., sand and clay content), the transfer function, and upscaling operator can be freely chosen as a text string in this file. MPR is written in Fortran and support for all operating systems (Windows, Gnu/Linux, Mac OS) is given.