


Krellenberg, K. & Hansjürgens, B. (2014) (eds.): Climate Adaptation Santiago. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Krellenberg, K. & Barth, K. (2014): Planning collaborative climate change adaptation responses in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 39, No. 4. 

Krellenberg, K., Barth, K. & Garcia Soler (2014): From planning to implementation: capacities and competences. In: Krellenberg, K. & Hansjürgens, B. (eds.): Climate Adaptation Santiago. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Krellenberg, K., Barth, K. & Hansjürgens, B. (2014): Developing a Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan – Learning from Santiago de Chile, In: Krellenberg, K. & Hansjürgens, B. (eds.): Climate Adaptation Santiago. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Krellenberg, K., Jordán, R., Rehner, J., Schwarz, A., Infante, B., Barth, K., Pérez. A. (eds.) (2014):
Adaptation to climate change in megacities of Latin America: Regional Learning Network of the research project ClimateAdaptationSantiago (CAS), United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC). Santiago de Chile, 97 pp.

Krellenberg, K., Jordán, R., Rehner, J., Schwarz, A., Infante, B., Barth, K. & Pérez, A. (2014) (eds): Adaptación al cambio climático en megaciudades de América Latina Red Regional de Aprendizaje del Proyecto ClimaAdaptaciónSantiago (CAS). United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC). Santiago de Chile, 97 pp.


Krellenberg, K., Müller, A., Schwarz, A., Höfer, R. & Welz, J. (2013): Flood and heat hazards in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile and the socio-economics of exposure. Applied Geography. Volume 38, March 2013, pp. 86–95. Download article

Heinrichs, D., Krellenberg, K. & Fragkias, M. (2013): Urban responses to climate change: theories and governance practice in cities of the Global South. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

Simon, L. M., Oertel, M. & Lehn, H. (2013): Climate change in central Chile – Challenges for the urban and agricultural sector. In: Pfaffenbach, Carmella; Schneider, Christoph (Hrsg.) Global Demographic and Climate Challenges in the City. Geographisches Institut der RWTH Aachen. Selbstverlag. Heft 50, Pages 136-179. 

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Krellenberg, K. (2012): A Science-Policy Approach Towards Local Adaptation Planning: The Case of Santiago de Chile. In: Otto-Zimmermann, K. (ed.): Resilient Cities 2 - Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change – Proceedings of the Global Forum 2011, Springer, pp. 233-240.

Krellenberg, K. (2012): Adaptation at the Urban-Regional Level in Santiago de Chile – A Science-Policy Research Approach. In: Fragkias M, Griffith C (Eds.), UGEC Viewpoints. Interdisciplinary Initiatives for an Urban Earth, 7, pp. 8‐11.


Heinrichs, D. & Krellenberg, K. (2011): Climate Adaptation Strategies: Evidence from Latin American City-Regions. In: Otto-Zimmermann, K. (ed.), Resilient Cities: Cities and Adapta­tion to Climate Change - Proceed. of the Global Forum 2010, Local Sustainability 1.

Krellenberg, K., Höfer, R. & Welz, J. (2011): Relaciones y dinámicas recientes entre el uso de suelo y la composición socioeconómica en Santiago de Chile: el caso de Peñalolén. In: Revista de Geografía Norte Grande (48), pp107-131.

Müller, A. & Reinstorf, F. (2011): Exploration of land-use scenarios for flood hazard modeling – the case of Santiago de Chile, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 8, 3993-4024, doi:10.5194/hessd-8-3993-2011. link to article


Krellenberg, Kerstin; Heinrichs, Dirk & Barton, Jonathan (2010): Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies in Latin American City Regions: The Case of Santiago de Chile. In: Fragkias, M. & Griffith, C. (Eds.): Integrative Perspectives on Urbanization and Climate Change. UGEC Viewpoints 3, pp. 4-7.

Krellenberg, Kerstin & Heinrichs, Dirk (2010): Urban Latin America under climate change: do adaptation strategies of city-regions respond to the challenges? In: Endlicher, W. & Gerstengarbe, F.-W. (eds.): Continents under Climate Change, Nova Acta Leopoldina, V. 112, No 384, pp. 267-274.

Ebert, Annemarie; Welz, Juliane; Heinrichs, Dirk; Krellenberg, Kerstin & Hansjürgens, Bernd (2010): Socio-environmental change and flood risks: the case of Santiago de Chile, Erdkunde, 64, 4, 303-313.


Barton, Jonathan R. (2009): Adaptación al cambio climático en la planificación de ciudades-regiones, Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 43: 5-30.

Public project report

Workpackage 1:
"Resumen de los Principales Cambios Climáticos de la Región Metroplitana de Santiago de Chile." (2011), Research Team: James McPhee, Luis Vargas, Maisa Rojas, Gonzalo Cortés, Lilian Garcia, Aniella Descalzi

Supervision of thesis

University Dresden: Wissenstransfer in der Klimaanpassung - Das Beispiel Santiago de Chile und die Kommunen Pedro Aguirre Cerda und La Florida, finished in 2013.

University Leipzig: Cross-cutting character of adaptation to climate change - Motivations and obstacles to implementation, the case of Santiago de Chile, finished in 2013.

Press release