Analysis and Management of Landscape Transition in the Urban-Rural Gradient


The goals of the projects that are two-fold. (1) Integrate models for simulating land use change with the associated land consumption and land surfacing, growing traffic density as well as flows of matter through the landscape, and the assess ecosystem services provided by the dynamically changing landscape, (2) Use this model system within an optimization framework to estimate, assess and compare different strategies of landscape management.

By this, the integrated modelling framework will allow to study the complex interactions of landscape change with respect to selected indicators of ecosystem services. It explains the dynamics of the system and helps to assess and determine consequences of management strategies. As a result we will develop a tool that helps communicate system dynamics of landscapes. The integrated model will help to elaborate these system dynamics and makes interactions reproducible and thus can be communicated to planners or hopefully stakeholders.

The project is a cooperation supported the Department the Gund Institute of Ecological Economics (GIEE), Burlington ,Vermont, USA. Funding from DAAD provided travel grants for exchange of students and staff.


Ralf Seppelt


Holzkämper, A., Lausch, A., Seppelt, R. (2006): Optimizing landscape configuration to enhance habitat suitability for species with contrasting habitat requirements Ecological. Modelling 198 (3-4), 277-292

Matthies, M., Berlekamp, J., Lautenbach, S., Graf, N., Reimer, S. (2006): System analysis of water quality management for the Elbe river basin Environ.Modell.Softw. 21 (9), 1309-1318 Onlinepublikation


2005-2006 by German Academic Exchange Council, D/42 404


Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University Vermont, Burlington, USA (Prof. Dr. Alexey Voinov)


Products (data, methods, tools, models, software)

Grafik LUPOLib

LUPOLib is a C++ library and provides methods to optimize landuse pattern for maintaining ecosystem function (or services), application for habitat suitability optimization come with code.